Spoken words and maybe acapella
Collection of words
- spoken_word
- male_vocals
- classical
- comedy
- dancehall
- dirty
- disco
- downtempo
- dry
- dub
- electric
- happy
- hip_hop
- holiday
- japanese
- kaer_trouz
- musical
- poem
- poetry
- political
- politics
- protest
- punk
- ragga
- reggae
- robot
- robwalkerpoet
- romance
- soul
- spanish
- spiritual
- story
- vocoder
- Why?Admiral Bob
- AdlibsJ.Lang
- You're the ChangeAdmiral Bob
- Stems- Banjo the Ferret SongKara Square
- Crooked MileDeBenedictis
- The Narrator - Vocal StemsKara Square
- Unreasoning Animal By Mark Twaincoruscate
- The Search Part 2spinningmerkaba
- Ask about GuantanamoWietsE
- lezing kress en raaphorstmedia me
- kommerijmedia me
- An accident waiting to happenrobwalkerpoet
- The Awakeningeshar
- Black SwanKae Furious
- You got a way with murderJeris
- The Fish In The Deep Sea Water Probably Gives Out A Deep Sighyamamiya
- Alice In the CityOrrisroot
- Long whisper (on the sea # 2)diaphane
- Dollar (vocal and rough guitar)stellarartwars
- Favorite PhotographSnowflake
- Ukiyoe_Acappellaqueeniemusic
- Epilogue: The Forest of Dreams Pellaqueeniemusic
- Sooner Or Later (Acappella)Trifonic
- Fall to Pieces (for Sakura Kaminari/Cherry Blossom Storm)reblaw27
- Brown & GoldLeza Boyland
- Walk On Essen11mykleanthony
- Choices May ChangeSackJo22
- CompromiseSnowflake
- No Escape...I painted myself into a cornerAnomaly_Jonez
- vocoder chords "house music is magic" 90 BPMgreg_baumont
- Dear HueySuzi Q. Smith
- YOU vocalCiggiBurns
- Te amaréSilviaO
- Hard Moonlight [accapella]Omni Vista
- Que Pena / Tanto Faz (Vocals)Tamy
- No one loves youbobbi
- Double Dutch A Cappella(sunbyrn verse)sunbyrn
- Don't Stop Accapella Feat G-WillsJ.Lang
- Look and Feel Years Younger vocalsbrad sucks
- Dirtbag (vocals)brad sucks
- Quant la doulce jouvencelle / medieval chansonasteria
- Quant la doulce jouvencelle / medieval chansonasteria
- Quant la doulce jouvencelle / medieval chansonasteria
- Down to the minimal pellashagrugge
- Finally (Spoken)PorchCat
- MidnightSunSPOKENWORDspinningmerkaba
- GOD IS LOGICAL+++ A.M. mews by MommaLuv +++
- In My Dreamsrewired
- Tu corazónSilviaO
- Space Age Trippin (A cappella)KCentric
- Cybersutra SuiteBudapest BluesBoy
- Graphic Design Rapkfunque
- Binary CodeFireproof_Babies
- You asked for itFonik
- Killah KonflikFonik
- Ready or Not (freestyle) f. White Childduckett
- Walk Onnarva9
- How strong the stormsFireproof_Babies
- Trampa animalSilviaO
- Lies On Liesnarva9
- Dirty GrimeyMTGakaCaraMelG
- You Can't Denyduckett
- What i Gotta DoJ.Lang
- Three FriendsRuggea
- LastsRuggea
- Nostalgie Airinnabar
- SlippingKaer Trouz
- La Laifusette
- Unruly Characteressesq
- DecideY_Niazi
- Three Birds in an Alleynarva9
- Suitcase (Emily Carmen Poem)Anchor
- Wired But Disconnected (Pella)duckett
- It Came Upon A Midnight Clear (Variations on a Theme)narva9
- Forest_of_Dreams_Voxqueeniemusic
- Dream of Flight (Lead Vocal)queeniemusic
- The Holly & The IvyDeBenedictis
- Crushnarva9
- Coming Home for Xmas A Capella_Dry (Tears for Andre)ScOmBer
- Myxtery - Tell us voxnarva9
- If Not Now, When?essesq
- An Open Letter to Ms GreerInteractiveStageshow
- Deflated & Alone A CappellaKaer Trouz
- eddiebingo verse - "got me confused"eddiebingo
- Stack of Bitter MemoriesCalling Sister Midnight
- Driftwood Regret (A Cappella)ScOmBer
- Sirena (Acapella)HEKTOR THILLET (coffeeeurope)
- Lady of Shallotnarva9
- I Know (Vocals Only)Fivestar
- Mary's Middle EnglishFireproof_Babies
- Sola SolitaAndres Franco
- why , vocal improvisationbeckfords
- One for MeSackJo22
- DeloreanJ.Lang
- Black Rainbow - n9 vocalsnarva9
- MetalHeadsgrayhartgray
- For You I Will Be Myselfeshar
- I Am a StoneKaer Trouz
- My Little SoldierSnowflake
- PersephoneSnowflake
- Originsejc
- The HeartbreakerKaer Trouz
- SevivonSackJo22
- Sleeping GiantSuzi Q. Smith
- Long line BluesLeza Boyland
- Fall to Pieces (for Sakura Kaminari/ Cherry Blossom Storm)reblaw27
- Broken Acappellareblaw27
- Rain Falls Soft Acappellareblaw27
- Cidade Sol (Vocals)Tamy
- Un solo corazonSilviaO
- Viceversa vozSilviaO
- CheshireHEKTOR THILLET (coffeeeurope)
- Of My Heaven & My Hell - A capella (Christmas Carol by COFFEEEUROPE In the voice of Jacinda Espinosa)HEKTOR THILLET (coffeeeurope)
- SunshineAndres Franco
- No se si tuAndres Franco
- La Playa (Acapella)Andres Franco
- Me Robo El ShowAndres Franco
- Raineshar
- How I Feeleshar
- 7th Dimensioneshar
- Head StrongJ.Lang
- Where Did The Love GoJ.Lang
- Earth, Love, Sea (little mermaid cut)Ruggea
- Where Earth Meets Sea (a love story)Ruggea
- All Things (story of the world)Ruggea
- In My Heart Againnarva9
- BoyTrouble Yeh eh YehLeza Boyland
- EsperoVozSilviaO
- Silent Nightlibraryowl
- Please Don't Golibraryowl
- Quantity SurveyingCiggiBurns
- So Free (A Cappella)KCentric
- Kyrie Eleisonjacindae
- ANOTHER WEEKEND JAM/+seperatesbeckfords
- White Out -- VocalsSackJo22
- WishesAdisa McKenzie
- Carta de Don Quijote a Dulcinea (Acapella)HEKTOR THILLET (coffeeeurope)
- I AMSilkwords
- Ping Pong...Shall we play?Silkwords
- Cowboys Never RunSassygal
- 611 Main North Roaddebbizo
- Ashesdebbizo
- Backwardsdebbizo
- Letting It Go (vocal)CiggiBurns
- Karma Killeroberonskye
- Hey, what key is this in?Admiral Bob
- Mint & WhiskeyDeBenedictis
- It's a Blessinglibraryowl
- Boredroom vocalCiggiBurns
- Untethered (A Capella)SackJo22
- Untethered (BG Vox)SackJo22
- The Living Gamepanu
- Tell SomebodyAdmiral Bob
- Strike the RootAdmiral Bob
- Strange Marionettejacindae
- gifted (burning man)Adisa McKenzie
- Sixteen Tonslibraryowl
- Vocal Stem- Dead FleshKara Square
- Vocal Stem- Fexting (Fake Texting)Kara Square
- Copyright ?Loveshadow
- Freedom in my VoiceSackJo22
- Alcohol and Motor CarSurveillance_Party
- We Hold These Truthsessesq
- Mine + Yours = OursSnowflake
- Of Dreams and MusicMana Junkie
- Will You Share With MeDown With Ben
- Dear Mr WilliamsLoveshadow
- ACTA Foolgo1dfish
- I'm FreeMana Junkie
- We Are Connectedanjibee
- Freedom in my Voiceditto ditto
- Freedom to Sharegurdonark
- Hold On (Pellas)7OOP3D
- Dear Mr Williams (Snowflake Adaptation)Snowflake
- Freedom to share my voicedebbizo
- Creative Commons - The Life of a Poemdebbizo
- Put the Needle DownAdmiral Bob
- Oh Dear Mr Williams (pella and stems pak)spinningmerkaba
- Vocal Stems- StagnantKara Square
- Vocal Stem- Our Creative Community=The WorldKara Square
- Black Is The ColorDeBenedictis
- Oh Dear Mr WilliamsSnowflake
- O Come Thee Downjacindae
- Music Freedom (Spoken Word)KCentric
- 3 Strikes (ACTA is a monster) pellaChaosFootMusic
- Freedom in my VoiceDonnie Drost
- The Remixin' BluesAdmiral Bob
- Freedom To Sharecopperhead
- Oh Come Thee Down (Chorale)SackJo22
- Response to Ascaplonnie
- Sacred Cube FamilyPorchCat
- Oh Come Thee Down (duet with Jacinda Espinosa)Snowflake
- Bill of Wrongs, (Who the F* are you?) feat. Virtual D and Papa ZPapa_Zulu
- Brake DanceAndres Franco
- Into the Blueeshar
- The LightSnowflake
- An Economy Ain't Nothing But A Recipe (inc stems)stellarartwars
- Speaking Power to Truthlonnie
- Standing up (pella in downloads)lonnie
- Analog By Nature - RedundantAnalogByNature
- move alongpneuman
- Free Hearts againJoel Frijters
- Reality CheckJavolenus
- We Become Pure JoyJavolenus
- Free Music and Free BeerAdmiral Bob
- An EvocationJoel Frijters
- Detachment (pell)Snowflake
- Kamihamiha! - Hip (Full Stems)Kamihamiha
- Kamihamiha! - We The People Will Not Be Chipped (Full Stems)Kamihamiha
- Kamihamiha! - There Were No Aliens at the Olympics (Full Stems)Kamihamiha
- Kamihamiha! - No Peace For The Middle East (Full Stems)Kamihamiha
- Kamihamiha! - Thunderlizard (Full Stems)Kamihamiha
- Kamihamiha! - The Game Has Changed (Full Stems)Kamihamiha
- Kamihamiha! - Trash The Disco! (Stems)Kamihamiha
- Hey the Holidays - VocalsKara Square
- Words of Gratitude VocalsSackJo22
- O Come All Ye Faithful/Adeste FidelesAdmiral Bob
- A Whispered Joke - VocalsKara Square
- Identify (walkie-talkie vox)Speck
- I Will Writhe (A Capella)SackJo22
- the New Music Mantra (Snowflake's revox)Snowflake
- Maybe Somedayduckett
- Digital Revolution (Spoken Word)KCentric
- To Be SensitiveKara Square
- I Am Music (Sung Acappella)debbizo
- This Is The Age Of Cocainestellarartwars
- The Queen of Wands VocalsSackJo22
- End of DaysRobbero
- PercentagesJoel Frijters
- berra nanalatopa
- Stimmen im KopfHerrenzimmer Produktion
- Say AhSnowflake
- New Earth (pell)Snowflake
- Himejirobwalkerpoet
- slaterrobwalkerpoet
- Lurking (vocals)Kara Square
- Truth and Fact - Vocals, Guitar, +Kara Square
- [Rhiannon] Venom AcapellaAscension
- Y (A Capella)YEIZON
- Spare VerseMichael Burnz
- Little Coconut Song (Vocals and Sounds)Kara Square
- Ba-Da! (Vocals)Kara Square
- [Rhiannon] Cover Me AcapellaAscension
- Billionnarva9
- Could It Be Mep1rj1s
- be coolFORENSIC
- Nunca hubo amorSr. Privado
- Time to Take out the Trash vocalsbrad sucks
- Never Get Out (vocals)brad sucks
- Krishinda Singingskoria
- Do Wap O BabyBrant Huddleston
- sideshow a cappellaTrailerRage
- Roybot_Pornmachine_VocalsRoybot
- Rubin Drew - Title TBD 3shagrugge
- Rubin Drew - Title TBD 2shagrugge
- Mark Bennett - Not Poetryshagrugge
- TiLt+++ A.M. mews by MommaLuv +++
- Only feat G' Wills & NailsJ.Lang
- everyday choicesColin Mutchler
- Dream of You (A Cappella)KCentric
- Death Row PoetMana Junkie
- Orc March ChoirSnowflake
- Trigonometry (Pella)KCentric
- Lamadio Tiado VocalsSackJo22
- Episode X Part IIThe Juke Joint
- 21 Gun SaluteAdmiral Bob
- Mock the Afflicted vocalRobert Warrington
- Stained Glass Windowdebbizo
- Auto Eroticdebbizo
- After the War (Vocals)SackJo22
- Syrinxdebbizo
- The Whishing of Rain (with rain)debbizo
- People Let's Stop The Warbradstanfield
- What Child is This?Admiral Bob
- Violet Town Acapella (re-recorded)debbizo
- Cathedral Chorus (from Winter Sol Cathedral Mix)SackJo22
- BATH+++ A.M. mews by MommaLuv +++
- albino Mutants+++ A.M. mews by MommaLuv +++
- Occupied_Mind-dry-Vox()90Mesher
- Occupy (your mind)Snowflake
- Net Neutrality - Hands off the Internetlonnie
- Economic Hitmen (pella in downloads)lonnie
- F### 'em (pella in downloads)lonnie
- Uh-oh...jacindae
- Track 03: An Economy Ain’t Nothing but a Recipelonnie
- Track 01: Here’s Your Chance - PARECON Intro (vocals)lonnie
- One Fat Lady / Octophobiarobwalkerpoet
- Fear of glassrobwalkerpoet
- to wheeze not gentlerobwalkerpoet
- Thisessesq
- Reach Outspinningmerkaba
- Long Live WaterColin Mutchler
- When You Go Awayspinningmerkaba
- Beyond Jupiter (pella)Admiral Bob
- Build - VocalsKara Square
- Breakdown Boy VocalSassygal
- Queen of the Crows (a capella)CiggiBurns
- No One Made Any MoneyEzra Skull
- you see meMeiklasic
- Speechless redone for remix by BriareusAnomaly_Jonez
- What is this that UR Doing 2ME...I'm SpeechlessAnomaly_Jonez
- Penso...Logo Desistocdala
- Marionette ManSuzi Q. Smith
- Future (Acapella)Abhi S.V.
- SavegameJavolenus
- Wade in the Waterlibraryowl
- Didn't Leave Nobody but the Babylibraryowl
- Guest Angelsejc
- My Beautiful HorsesAnchor
- White In The MoonAnchor
- Pretty (post catwalk version)Anchor
- Again and Again (pella)Down With Ben
- Recycle Our LoveAdmiral Bob
- Where Do We GoCalling Sister Midnight
- A Vision (poetry reading)Fireproof_Babies
- Everyone SmilesFireproof_Babies
- Sustainability Wikipedia QuotesSnowflake
- Wake Up Kiss (pell)Snowflake
- The Light (song by snowflake)debbizo
- Tyler Adam - Dynamite (Acapella)Tyler_Adam_Music
- What is the Journey?Colin Mutchler
- LIKEHEKTOR THILLET (coffeeeurope)
- The Maid Of CulmoreJavolenus
- Only You TodaySnowflake
- Trying Not to BreakKara Square
- How Can I Keep From Singing?Admiral Bob
- tumbatambaMilton Paredes
- A Foolish GameSnowflake
- Making MonkeysAdmiral Bob
- Hold Fast (Vocals)Kara Square
- Anny Sky - KaliningradAnny Sky
- The Only Ones Alivespinningmerkaba
- I remember learning how to smile - self portrait, with hints of Asperger'sp
- Breves dies hominis by Makemiremaxim
- ClimbSnowflake
- Some Words I Madeike_poet
- Mississippi Kitekristin hersh
- Garnet WineCiggiBurns
- What This Feels Like (pell)Snowflake
- Pathways of the Mind (Vocals)Kara Square
- People's Climate Train Songspinningmerkaba
- Recommencer (entier)MiElle
- Pay AttentionFORENSIC
- The Easton Ellises - Fall For You (A Cappella)theeastonellises
- Say GoodbyeSnowflake
- I Can Finally Call You GodSnowflake
- Coast to Coast-feat G. WillsJ.Lang
- Lick My WoundsCiggiBurns
- I Don't Want Luv (A Cappella)Songboy3
- szajbogo (gypsy beat-box)furkosbot
- A Capella LignifiedKaer Trouz
- Under the Velveteen Skiesnarva9
- Octopus Trees (A Capella)c.layne
- Expiration DateFireproof_Babies
- Dying on the VineRobert Warrington
- Surprise MEmykleanthony
- Auto Motor SportHans Atom
- Beginnings and Endingsessesq
- Language of Birds by Anchor MejansLoveshadow
- Broken (Acappella)Trifonic
- F120-AcouGTRmotifJavolenus
- deep in ya selfFORENSIC
- Where Did the Silence Start to GrowSackJo22
- Not Like That (a cappella) 65 bpmSongboy3
- Start Each Day with Love - Vocals and Ukulele (Kara Square)Kara Square
- Hypothetically (a capella)colortheory
- Sleep LightlyDeBenedictis
- Here Comes The SnowLoveshadow
- Canary WharfCiggiBurns
- TriggernometryPattsiPeng
- Shadows in the HourglassAdmiral Bob