Drowning In The Cuervo River
Born to Boogie
Wanted to create some country boogie music. Started with Tobias Weber’s Al Gore Rhythm drums. Added bass, fiddle and rhythm guitars from our sample library. ElRon recorded lead guitar.
Listening to the jam, decided to search for a “sanger” with a story to tell. Found Panu’s story about drowning in a tequila river, which was happily only one whole step higher than the jam track. Repitched the instruments up a whole step and it was just like we were Born to Boogie.
Ron’s guitar track reminded me of the The Allman Brothers. In keeping with that vibe, a second drum track was added.
The song tempo is 100bpm. Panu’s pell was not stretched to fit. The vocal fit within the music is largely organic.
During mix down, ElRon decided slide guitar was needed. We set aside mix down until ElRon recorded several Peavey Power Slide tracks to provide more bayou flavor.
Wanted to create some country boogie music. Started with Tobias Weber’s Al Gore Rhythm drums. Added bass, fiddle and rhythm guitars from our sample library. ElRon recorded lead guitar.
Listening to the jam, decided to search for a “sanger” with a story to tell. Found Panu’s story about drowning in a tequila river, which was happily only one whole step higher than the jam track. Repitched the instruments up a whole step and it was just like we were Born to Boogie.
Ron’s guitar track reminded me of the The Allman Brothers. In keeping with that vibe, a second drum track was added.
The song tempo is 100bpm. Panu’s pell was not stretched to fit. The vocal fit within the music is largely organic.
During mix down, ElRon decided slide guitar was needed. We set aside mix down until ElRon recorded several Peavey Power Slide tracks to provide more bayou flavor.