MsKite x2 (Angry Young Woman Mixes)
Time to rejoin the Kristin Hersh “lovefest”.
Two completely different versions/genres of “Missssssissssipppppi Kite”,
each highlighting the versatility in Kristin’s voice. (hopefully)
Please post a comment and let me know which you prefer?
(how many S’s and i’s do you guys need in Mississippi?)
The first track is for those with long hair, a black T-shirt and a handy air guitar. I’ve spent too much time stuck in the lounge lately, so rather than catch a chill, I’ve decided to rock it up a notch.
Maybe a bit in your face.
Thanks to AM for the creepy ambient latin chants towards the end when Kristin feeds us all Boric acid.
Winks to beetles for Pitx ;)
Big guitars for Obama.
The second track is really a tribute to DoKashiteru’s great track “Our Slanted Voices”. I took the liberty to add some guitars and slap some synth cement render behind the vox, hope you don’t mind.
I think that the s and i keys are starting to wear out on my keyboard.
Two completely different versions/genres of “Missssssissssipppppi Kite”,
each highlighting the versatility in Kristin’s voice. (hopefully)
Please post a comment and let me know which you prefer?
(how many S’s and i’s do you guys need in Mississippi?)
The first track is for those with long hair, a black T-shirt and a handy air guitar. I’ve spent too much time stuck in the lounge lately, so rather than catch a chill, I’ve decided to rock it up a notch.
Maybe a bit in your face.
Thanks to AM for the creepy ambient latin chants towards the end when Kristin feeds us all Boric acid.
Winks to beetles for Pitx ;)
Big guitars for Obama.
The second track is really a tribute to DoKashiteru’s great track “Our Slanted Voices”. I took the liberty to add some guitars and slap some synth cement render behind the vox, hope you don’t mind.
I think that the s and i keys are starting to wear out on my keyboard.