is the story of 2 youngs
Dedicate to Boddyker
and Jess and
Veratek Fytur collective
” COPYRIGHT/LICENSING NOTICE : All Rights not expressly granted to the user are reserved. The sound samples in this pack are licensed, not sold, to you to be reproduced within your original musical compositions only. All copying, lending, duplicating, re-selling or trading of this product or its content is strictly prohibited. Only the original purchaser of this product has the right to embody and reproduce the enclosed sound samples within their music compositions. Opening this product constitutes your acceptance of these terms. This download pack utilizes samples which have the Creative Commons license which is outlined herein”
Creative Commons Creative Commons License Deed Public Domain Dedication Copyright-Only Dedication (based on United States law) or Public Domain Certification
BOCrew 2008
is the story of 2 youngs
Dedicate to Boddyker
and Jess and
Veratek Fytur collective
” COPYRIGHT/LICENSING NOTICE : All Rights not expressly granted to the user are reserved. The sound samples in this pack are licensed, not sold, to you to be reproduced within your original musical compositions only. All copying, lending, duplicating, re-selling or trading of this product or its content is strictly prohibited. Only the original purchaser of this product has the right to embody and reproduce the enclosed sound samples within their music compositions. Opening this product constitutes your acceptance of these terms. This download pack utilizes samples which have the Creative Commons license which is outlined herein”
Creative Commons Creative Commons License Deed Public Domain Dedication Copyright-Only Dedication (based on United States law) or Public Domain Certification
BOCrew 2008