
Super Rich
Wanted to make a hip-hop track for these rap vocals, but it didn’t work. Wanted to find a pell to go with Hans’ instrumental… it didn’t work either. So finally I had no other option but to connect these two ;) The rap doesn’t sound like rap anymore(sorry for that!) but still rocking! Hope you like it guys! And a big thanks for the great sources!
Uses samples from...
Samples are used in...
- Pop/Rock Charts September 2013 musikpirat
- MMTMMP 25 Star Gazing in the Moonlight MMTMMP
- MotoCorsa Presents: Ducati 1199 TerraCorsa
- MotoCorsa Presents: Ducati 1199 TerraCorsa
- Session at McKoy - Decatur, GA - March 22, 2014
- Let's Play - Vermeer 2 - Kaffee für alle #01 [deutsch]
- GTA IV - Event Cinematic / Recap [27.10.13]